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This section enables ADMIN users to update Company settings along with:


Admin Home

Pricing Components

Pricing components are optionally used in Smart Quote to summarize customer selected options by categories or groups. Example below shows: 1) Base, 2) Grinding, 3) Heat Treat. All pricing for Items and Tasks are summed for each of these categories and presented in that way on Smart Quote. If no Heat Treat were selected, then this category would not appear in Smart Quote.

Pricing Components

Default Tags

Tags allow users to add custom information to any entity. It might be desired to have certain Tags always be present when the entity is created. This eliminates the need for users to have to add these tags manually. Instead they would simply update the values. Click here for more details.

Default Tags


Smtp Server

Velosity provides email functionality out of the box with send and reply-to address

If you would like to use a custom (your domain name) email address for sending and replies, an ADMIN user can define the SMTP server details here. This will override the out-of-the box SMTP server and use this one instead. If Cleared, the default SMTP server will be used again.

Smtp Server