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Administration - Task Models

A unique feature of Velosity is the ability for production order router task times to vary as a function of the Attributes and values selected in Smart Quote through time models. External tasks have both time and cost models since the relationship is not related.

** Note: this is one of two ways for time and cost to be calculated/determined. The other approach is via Rules.

Both time and cost models are of the form Y = m1*x1 + B:

  • Y is the dependent (time or cost)
  • m is the attribute coeffient or multiplier
  • x is the attribute value
  • B is the constant

The model can have more than one attribute (multiple x's). The model can also be nonlinear, i.e. Y = m1x1 + m2x2^2 + m3*x3^3 + B.

Models can be generated using a multiple regression analysis from data collected from your processes (we can help). If data does not exist, these models can be built by hand (we can help).


The first example contains just a constant, i.e. Y = B:

Example 1

The second example references three attributes: VOLCAD, WEIGHT, MATERIAL.

  • VOLCAD is numeric and is evaluated like this: coeffient * VOLCAD
  • WEIGHT is numeric and is evaluated like this: coeffient * WEIGHT
  • MATERIAL is a binary predictor vector and is evaluated like this: constant * WEIGHT (1 or 0). The model term level determines whether the attribute should be evaluted or not. In this case if MATERIAL is MAT1, then the result added to the model is 50 (minutes). If the MATERIAL is MAT2, then the result added to the mdoel is 10 (minutes).

Example 2


Cost models work in a simlar way.