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Sales Funnel (CRM)

The Sales Funnel feature offers "light" CRM functionality within Velosity. The Funnel is linked to Sales Quotes and allows users and management to use sales pipeline approach to forecast potential revenue.




Adding a Sales Funnel record requires a minimal amount of information:

  • Description

  • Estimated Revenue

Other data can be updated using Edit as it becomes known. At this stage, a Customer record is not required, but can be set using Edit.

Sales Funnel Add


Here you can view a Sales Funnel record.



The Edit view allows you to:

1) Update the Customer this Funnel record is associated with


3) Revenue

Once the Customer record is set, an associated Sales Quote can be set. Once this is done, the revenue will automatically be updated to match the Sales Quote revenue.


Send to User

The Send To User button allows you to send this quote as a message to another Velosity user. The recipient's view of Velosity will have a different Notification bell at the top right of the window.

Send to User

Add To-Do

Add To Do

To-Do List

To-Do (action items) can be added to any Sales Funnel record. To-Do for each Sales Funnel record are shown on the Detail view.

To see To-Do items across all Sales Funnel records, click on the To-Do button. They are shown in a list like below.

To-Do List


The Analysis view allows you to filter Funnel records by any combination of properties you desire.



All Funnel records can be exported to CSV for further analysis in Excel.

You can search for a Sales Funnel record using the search bar at the top of the Velosity window. Using just a text string will return search results across all entities. You can restrict the search to just Sales Funnel by using this syntax (case insensitive):

  • sf:searchtext
  • SF:searchtext