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Sales Orders

OTD + Promise Date vs Days Required

Velosity provides two ways of measuring on-time performance. The first option is Promise Date + OTD (measured in days). The second option is Days Required. The option is selected in Customization by any user with ADMIN role.

Promise Date + OTD

When this option is selected, OTD (days) is calculated from the Promise Date.

Example 1:

Promise Date is 10 days from today, and the Finish Date (all Production Orders linked to the Sales Order) is 5 days from today, then the calculated OTD will be 5 days (ahead/green).

Example 2:

Promise Date is 30 days from today, and the Finish Date (all Production Orders linked to the Sales Order) is 45 days from today, then the calculated OTD will be 15 days (late/red).

Days Required

When this option is selected, the Days Required is calculated from the Sales Order creation date vs the Finish Date (all Production Orders linked to the Sales Order).






A Sales Order can be edited as long as the Status is DRAFT.




View (PDF)


Update Status

The Update Status dropdown allows you to change the Status of the Sales Order.

Update Status

Update Contacts

The Update Contacts card allows you to select which Contacts (People) from the Customer record should be included on the Sales Order. If no Contacts are defined on the Customer record, an Add Contacts button will take you to the Customer record to add.

Update Contacts

Send to User

The Send To User button allows you to send this quote as a message to another Velosity user. The recipient's view of Velosity will have a different Notification bell at the top right of the window.

Send to User

Send to Customer

Send To Customer

Create Ncr (Quality)

This button is only visible when the Quality module is enabled. This button allows you create an Ncr (Non-Conformance Report) associated with a Sales Order

Create Ncr






Tags allow data capture that is not already captured in Velosty. Tags can be added by any user. Default Tags (setup by Administrator) are automatically added when a Sales Order is created (optionally can be marked as Required). If a tag is required, the Status of the Sales Order cannot be changed until the Tag value is entered.

Required tags cannot be deleted (except by ADMIN users).


Change Orders

Change Orders



View Router

View Router


View BOM

View BOM

You can search for a Sales Order record using the search bar at the top of the Velosity window. Using just a text string will return search results across all entities. You can restrict the search to just Sales Orders by using this syntax (case insensitive):

so: SO: