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RMA Use Case

This article demonstrates how Velosity can be used for RMA using an two-loop process from sales quote (or sales order) through production order execution. A two-loop process became necessary because of the need to separate diagnostics/troubleshooting from the actual repair itself. The reason for the separation is because the repairs needed are not known when the Troubleshooting Smart Quote line item is created and added to a quote or salesorder.


  • Sales Quote = Repair Quote
  • Sales Order = Repair Order
  • Production Order = Work Order


Setup: 1. Create a Sales (Repair) Order


  1. Smart Quote / Add the Troubleshooting line item to the Sales Order using Smart Quote
  2. Sales Order / Update the required Tags (if any) with appropriate data. Default Tags can be setup by any ADMIN. New entities will get these required Tags. The Status of the Sales Order cannot be changed until required Tags are updated.
  3. Sales Order / Update the Sales Order status to RELEASED
  4. Sales Order / Click on Refresh to see the new Production Order just created
  5. Sales Order / Click on the Production Order button (PLANNED Status)
  6. Production Order / Scroll down to the first task in the list and click on it
  7. Production Order Task / Update the Production Order Task Status to WIP (Work in Process)
  8. Production Order Task / Complete the work for the task, clocking in/out as often as needed to complete it
  9. Production Order Task / Update the task status to COMPLETED
  10. Production Order Task / Repeat 7-8 until a DIAGNOSIS step is reached
  11. Production Order Task / As each problem is found, add it as a note to the Work Order - one note per problem found
  12. Production Order / When final Troubleshooting task is completed the Troubleshooting Work Order status will be changed to COMPLETED


  1. Production Order / Click on the Sales Order
  2. Sales Order / Click on the "Add SmartQuote" button to add the second line item
  3. Smart Quote / Using the Smart Quote product that matches the device under repair, select the repairs needed - using the notes added to the previous line item Work Order as a guide (what needs to be repaired/replaced)
  4. Smart Quote / Click on Finish to add this configuration to the
  5. Sales Order / Update Required Tags
  6. Sales Order / Update the Sales Order status to RELEASED
  7. Sales Order / Click on Refresh to see the new Production Order just created
  8. Sales Order / Click on the Production Order button (PLANNED status) for the lineitem just added
  9. Production Order / Scroll down to the first task in the list and click on it
  10. Production Order Task / Update the Production Order Task Status to WIP (Work in Process).
  11. Production Order Task / Complete the work for the task, clocking in/out as often as needed to complete it
  12. Production Order Task / Update the task status to COMPLETED
  13. Production Order Task / Repeat steps 9-10 until all Tasks are completed. When the last task is completed the Work Order status will be changed to COMPLETED

Trouble Report:

If Trouble Reports are used (attached to a Production Order), these are the steps to follow.

  1. Production Order / Click on Trouble Report. If a Trouble Report does not exist for this Production Order you will be asked to create one and enter the Problem Reported.
  2. Update Profile / Incoming and Outgoing
  3. Add Symptoms / One at a time, entering the data you have
  4. Repeat for Each Symptom / Repeat #3 for each Symptom
  5. Status / Update Status to FINAL